
Yesterday was a long day.  In the morning we went to a house and bought a dinghy for our boat. It had parasites on the bottom of it so we could not use it. After that we went to Defender and got a ladder for the boat. Then we went to the boat and motored… Continue reading Sailing


today we went sailing for 5 hours. we sailed up Thames River and went to Niantic River and sailed up the river. we went on a kayak and there were a bunch of jellyfish. I tried to catch one but I could not. it was really fun and we got hit by some big waves.… Continue reading Sailing

Hospital tour

This morning we went on a hospital tour. It was very hot but very fun. It felt like it was forever. We sat in the back seats of the bus. We rode bus Two. We saw a lot of buildings and some buildings remains. Here are some of the pictures of the hospital.